Saturday, May 18, 2013

Unity Thursday Hop WINNERS!!!

Hello Unity Friends!
It's Thienly here to announce the THREE LUCKY winners from Thursday's hop!

Before I get on to the winners -
we just wanted to thank you all for taking your precious time to visit our blogs,
and leaving us lots of support and love.
Each one of those comments do mean A LOT of us -
and I know that if we could -
Angela would LOVE to give you all a prize!
So, thank you!!!

Now, the lucky winners are:

From Karen's blog:
Tara said...

Beautiful shaped card and beautiful image! So inspirational!

From Shemaine's blog:
Jackie S said...

Love the card and the colors you used

From Lisa H's blog:
Angeline said...
and lets all say this together.... WOW!!!! what awesome projects you have. Love every single one it. Lots of UNITY goodness!
 Please send an e-mail to:
Include your Full Name and Address
Also mention you won a "Unity Hop Comment Prize"

Congratulations! and look forward to having fun again next Thursday!

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!


  1. Congrats Ladies! It's always fun to see Unity inspiration.

  2. Thank you so much !!! I love Unity .. The ideas, inspirations and the energy plus passion from everyone! You ladies are just an awesome bunch
