Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Growing in Unity Wednesday!

Hey there!  It's Wednesday and time to share this week's GIU girlie!  This week Angie is up sharing her Unity creations!

Meet Angie:

Here is a little something about Angie:

"hi there! i’m angie reece from {stampings of the shug} ( and so excited to be this week’s growing in unity girl. i have been a rubber stamper/card maker for about 7 years now (i’ve lost track!) and have discovered mixed media last year. i am a pediatric intensive care nurse, so crafting is my stress reliever and way of staying sane! it all started with my cute mom having a card party and being the dutiful daughter, i helped-then got addicted!! i discovered unity and again, addicted. i have an awesome husband that totally supports my habit and my yearly get together with all my crafty friends. and puts up with my frequent packages from unity! it has been fun doing a week’s worth of unity projects to share!"

 Now check out this great project Angie is sharing with us today:

Be sure to swing on by Angie's blog each day this week and leave her some love.  At the end of the week she will pick one lucky winner and that person will get to pick 2 itty bitty's of their choice!

That's all for this week!

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