Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Growing in Unity Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday Maria here to share with you this week's GIU girl.  This week we have Kristy MacKeen.

Meet Kristy:

Here is a little something about Kristy:

"Hi! Kristy MacKeen here. Thank you for joining me this week as the Growing in Unity guest designer. I think I have always been a stamper at heart. I remember playing with stamps at a young age, growing up in California. While living in Montana, I really got into stamping, card making, and eventually scrapbooking. Today I find my crafting time to be my sanity. I am a stay at home mom to 2 bundles of joy (…and energy). Both my son and daughter like to get into my scraproom and play with my stamps, papers and buttons. I love that I can make a record of memories – and not just holidays and special occasions, but everyday moments too! I hope you have enjoyed my projects! I will continue to create, mostly just for my Mama’s Sanity."

Check out this great project she made for her GIU week:

Be sure to swing on by Kristy's blog each day this week for great Unity inspiration and a chance to win 2 itty bitty stamps!

That's all for this week!
