Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Design Team Tuesday!

Hi everyone!! 
Shilo here with you.
Today is Design Team Tuesday....
which means I get to share a quote, a project and the Design Team Pick of the Week (one of my favorite projects created by our Unity fans!).

OK - So here are a couple of quotes I have been loving from Winnie the Pooh...a very wise little bear.

That Pooh bear - makes me smile!

So drum roll please...here is my Design Team Pick of the Week:

This darling creation by Sheryl!
I am in love with the little scene she created with all the layers....and even complete with the little raindrops...fantastic!!

Be sure to check out her blog Sheryl's Creative Corner, and all her lovely projects!
Thanks Sheryl for sharing your Unity project with us! I love it!

I like these kinda posts...because I get to go into my scraproom and pick up a stamp that inspires me and just "play".... no challenges or themes....just whatever my little heart desires...
Well...this is what I got up to:

This is the fantastic Itty Bitty I was "playing" with:

Well there you go ladies!! Another fantastic Tuesday! 
Thank you so much for joining me and learning a little bit more about me!
Happy day!


  1. Fabulous!!! Both your pick and your card!!!

  2. Cute card Shilo!! I don't suppose there is any chance Unity could get license to some of those great Winnie the Pooh images and sayings?? they would make great stamps!

  3. Shilo! Your card is absolutely ADORABLE. I love that stamp and must really get it. Thank you thank you thank you ever so much for picking my card for the Design Team Pick of the Week. I really had fun creating that card. Right now...I have no idea who it's for...so it's actually hanging on my mini blinds :) Thank you again. And I really do love your card!
